Partition The Hard Disk in Windows7

Making up your hard disk into slices is a very important thing.Cutting up the hard disk into parts is depended on our usage. So Here is the basic memory system remember the Memory caliculations table and make a correct caluculation for making your hard disk into slices.

            8 bits     = 1 byte
       1024 bytes = 1 kb (Kilobytes)
       1024 KB    = 1 MB (MegaBytes)
       1024 MB   = 1 GB (Giga Bytes)
       1024 GB   = 1 TB (Tera Bytes)
       1024 TB    = 1 PB (Peta Bytes)
       1024 PB    = 1 EB ( Exa Bytes)
       1024 EB    = 1 ZB ( Zetta Bytes)
       1024 ZB    = 1 YB (Yotta Bytes)
So i think above table is usefull to u.Following images will explain u how to partition the hard drive 
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Right click on MY Computer and select Manage
Select Disk Management on the left side down 
Select the partition u wanted to slice 
Right click on the partition and select shrink option
It takes a moment to shrink the volume
The available space to shrink will be shown
Change the Space as u need
Then a new volume will be generated
Right click on the new partition and select New Sample Selection
Not necessary to change the Default value
Assigning the letter is Done
Formatting The drive
Completed Click on the finish buton
Congratutions  u have done it
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  1. Anonymous says:

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