Setting a local host is very importing thing for the people working on the webservices.At most we have many ways to setting a localhost ( here we prefer for the simple tool called Xampp
optionally Wampp is also a optional tool.But here we prefer for the simple tool called Xampp.
Here we have some steps to setting a Localhost(
1.Installing xampp(click here to download)
2.Securing the Localhost
optionally Wampp is also a optional tool.But here we prefer for the simple tool called Xampp.
Here we have some steps to setting a Localhost(
1.Installing xampp(click here to download)
2.Securing the Localhost
Installation of Loalhost is completd
Securing the localhost must be done
Start all services and click on
Apache -> Admin
Click on the security to view the status
Click on the link below
Give a new password you desired
Give user name and password for folder of Xampp
Three things were secured and two remaining
Ftp and Mercury mailserver
Go to the groups from the above menu
Remove the Default Users and click on Add button
Click on ok and give ur password (optional)
give sahring of your folders u need to
Click on The
Configuration->Manage local users
Delete the Both users and create a New user and close
Finally we created secured localhost